I post a lot about social issues, activism, ethics, and generally being good to each other. I also post about random topics, such as gaming, life with autism, music, books, skin care, nail polish, and pretty much any darn thing I feel like. >.> I hope you find both enjoyment and food for thought as you peruse my ramblings.

Guest submissions of an appropriate nature are enthusiastically welcomed.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Growth in the Silence

I know it's been a bit quiet.  In addition to the holidays, taking a much-needed vacation after eight highly intense months at work, and getting some progress put in on other projects, I've also been working on some behind-the-scenes developments for this.  I'd hoped to have it all ready to unveil before I mentioned anything, but it's going to take longer than I'd hoped, so I'll spill the beans. :)

At some point, there will be a main website from which this will be linked, and I hope to have forums hosted there, too, where folks can post and discuss a variety of topics.  I'd love to eventually see a community develop of folks who are focused on being good people, doing the right thing, and making the world a better place for their being in it.  I'd like to have relevant links and community member/guest-submitted works posted on the main site as well.  Relevant news would be posted somewhere, either in the forums or on the main site.  If the community idea really took off, there's a lot we could do with that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. :^D

The domain and hosting's been purchased; I just have to develop the website and implement the forums, which seemed a lot easier than it's been, even though I've done both before. LOL

I'll post more about it when it's done; in the meantime, I'll direct some focus away from that and back toward posting here, since that's what it's all about...at least for now! :)

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